Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am so excited!!!!!! I got hoem from work and notice caller ID "georgia baby furniture" WHOA..ran to the answering machine... HOORAY it is all here!!! We can finally set up delivery!

Called my parents to see if they could come down this weekend to work on the room. Get it painted and crown molding. My mom was in susch a bed mood that totally crushed my excitment.

Her comment "it is not like you need it right now". Thanks mom!!!

So, this weekend is out (April 4). (which would have been perfect weather!!)
So next weekend is out (April 11). It is way is leaving Sam and Haley to help us.
So the next week after is out (April 18) My in-laws are coming for the Mossy Creek festival. My mom does not do the two families together....rolling my eyes!
So that leaves the last weekend in April (April 25)...
Then it is May.... Which Mich's store is moving to their new location...which is awesome. I can not wait to see the new pharmacy. Mich goes by there to check it out all the time. He is ready for the pharmacy to move.


Woke up on the wrong side of the bed!

I am in such a horrible mood today. I need some serious cheering up.

I feel incredibly tired, however, I really should not. I went to bed at 10am and woke up at 7:20. That is plenty of sleep. But yet I feel like I was hit with a Mac Truck.

Off to start my day at work.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wall letters!

Mich finished the wall letters! I am so proud of him!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

22 Weeks

WHOA----watch out. never again do I take photos right before stomach looks square...what is up with that.

This week has flown! We have been so busy with just life stuff. Went to the dr on Monday for my 22 week checkup...well everything was good. I have gained some weight this time. But her HR was 153! Measurements are looking good. I go for my glucose test on April 10th. I am not 100% excited about this visit. But it has to be done.

I almost forgot to take the weekely photo last here is me after cleaning the house and almost ready for bed. My belly is turning into a box for some reason! However, we did take some bare ones this time. It has been a lot of fun watching my belly grow and my belly button looking more and more stretched. Although, I do not this is go to a outie....but it is different!

Lily Anne has definitely been more active the past few days. She has been really kicking alot. Mich is getting more and more excited about being able to feel them. I am can see them if I really concentrate on looking. We are giving it a few more weeks.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Pinkest Party in Town!

Macon, GA - Love the Cherry Blossom Festival!

I love this time of year here in Macon, GA. All the cherry trees are blooming (pink) and the Lilac and Westria (purple) which makes my drives to work SO PRETTY!

My parents and sister (and Haley) are suppose to come for the weekend.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

21 Weeks

<-----21 weeks we are really showing now. Gosh, time is going so quickly. We have had a rough kinda start to this week.

Lily Anne is doing fine! She is kicking up a storm. I was happy to report last night we got see and feel them.
My OBGYN office is driving me nuts! They do not have it together. I go see the doc on Monday to complete my appt that I had on March 4th...yes I know...why the gap. That is my question.
I have been getting a few stranger comments... which is totally exciting that someone besides family, friends, and work can tell I am pregnant... not FAT!
We went and registered this weekend. It was a lot of fun and we learn how expensive a baby is...or can be. Babies R Us is a baby meca store! Way too much fun! Target was easy... we knew what to look for and needed.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Now I felt that and so did DADDY!!!

We were so happy last night. Went for our nightly walk, then started dinner. Mich went to check on email..I laid on the bed in that room talking to him. As I was talking Lily Anne was deciding she wanted to be part of the conversation. I called Mich over to see if he could feel her. He was amazed! he could and we even got to see my stomach....start to move.

I know it is just the beginning! But it was amazing!

Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's Day

Thursday, March 12, 2009

20 Weeks! Halfway!

<----Here is to making it 1/2 way!!! 20 weeks We are halfway through the pregnancy. I am totally in love with our little girl! She has been quite active the past two days. Maybe because Mich and I are back to walking at night again. The mornings are my favorite time with feeling my belly. I really can feel her! Not the kicks but when I rub my stomach I can feel exactly where she has made her self comfy. We are waiting for her to kick so we both can feel it from the outside. I really try to get Mich to feel but he gets so fustrated because he can not feel a thing. Although, my sweet HUGE. I am really trying to curve it with fruit. Here is what is going on with Lily Anne this week: 20 Weeks
Curious about whether that melon-sized belly contains a boy or a girl? Now's your chance to take a peek! Your second trimester ultrasound, scheduled for anywhere between 18 and 22 weeks, gives your practitioner a chance to see how things are going in there. And, wow, are they going! If you're having a girl, her uterus is now fully formed and her ovaries are holding about seven million primitive eggs. If you're having a boy, his testicles have begun their descent from the abdomen to their ultimate destination: the scrotum. And while your baby is definitely getting bigger (he's about ten ounces, six and a half inches), there's still plenty of growing room in there, which allows him to twist and turn (and allows you to feel his acrobatics!). You might be noticing your nails are stronger and your hair (all over your body) is thicker and fuller than usual — all thanks to pregnancy hormones and increased circulation, which furnish extra nutrients to hair and nail cells. But while the hair on your head may be lovelier than ever, you might not be digging those sprouts on your chin. This situation is indeed temporary, but feel free to tweeze!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We have ordered the bedding.

I know is it not the most girly one out there. But we have completely fallen in love with this bedding.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's GIRL!

It is a GIRL!!
Lily Anne
She fooled everyone except for a few! But she is all girl!

The u/s was lots of fun! Lily Anne weighs 11 ounces! She is healthy and active. She definitely did not hide herself from us. Mich was just shocked he was sure we had a boy! But we are truly blessed to have a little girl. I am so excited ... it is shopping time now.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Vote Tally

Well looks like the majority think we are having a


We will see. Thanks Everyone!

Boy or Girl Poll!

Hello Everyone:

Mich and I are counting down the days til our big ultra sound, March 4th. We have the possibility of finding out the infamous question…

”What are we going to have?”

We thought it would be cute to have poll to see what everyone thinks we are going to have or wants. So, everyone gets a vote (yes, even kids!...parents NO telling them what to vote!) Just email Lisa back with who and their vote. (ie. Mich votes BOY.)

We will tally the votes on Tuesday night and email out the results. And hopefully on Wednesday morning we will be able to share the real results.
(if the baby allows us to see).

Okay, to help decide on your vote, I included some information.
Here is most recent photo of me. (taken 2/25.. 18weeks)

I was one of the few lucky women who did not experience morning sickness (knocking on lots of wood). I LOVE for Orange Juice. Although, my cravings have not been horrible … but I love anything SWEET…meaning fruit, Jell-O, cookies, cake, donuts. These have been a constant craving since the Christmas. Things added lately are chocolate milk and apple juice. I do not have much a appetite for meats (I know…I did not have one before but it is more yucky now). So what will your vote be!?!

Girl Boy

Monday, March 2, 2009

My grandmother just pasted away!

I just got a phone call from dad saying that my grandmother was doing good. She went to the hospital on Friday with Pneumonia. Then a few minutes later my dad called and told she was being taken to ICU.

And just mom called to tell me my grandmother has pasted away.

What a shock!!!!

19 Weeks

<----19 weeks and I look just fat! No pregnant! We are almost halfway! I can not believe how time is flying! We are getting so excited about the baby! I am really showing.

We are trying to keep everything under wraps. We will be driving to SC for my grandmother funeral this weekend.

This week is our big week! I am looking forward to tomorrow morning!
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