Monday, February 22, 2010

Mom - this is not carpet!

We took advantage of the lovely weather we had the weekend. High 60's..which is NICE! So, Saturday we went for a very short walk. Lily Anne was not 100% into it. It was about her nap time but I really wanted to get out of the house. About 5 minutes into the walk she lets us know that she is completely tired and not into the sunshine.

I thought grr...oh well. So back to the house we go. By the time we walk up the drive way, she gets happy. Child - will you make up your mind?

I sat in the backyard, while Zoe (the dog) ran some energy off. Lily Anne got to feel grass for the first time. She was not very crazy about it...but did managed to get her fingers to dig! Dirt under the fingernails and all!

I even got a GREAT photo of Mich adn Lily Anne! This is worth it all. Mich is not a camera person...he actually hates me and camera. It definitely went in a frame on my desk.
After much determination...she inspected the dead leaf until it was no more. She broke it into a million pieces then decided to try to put in her mouth. That is when Mich stepped in and said no.
We did try the walk on Sunday...not so close to nap time. She enjoyed the entire hour outside. We walked by the lake in the neighborhood and then visited the ducks. Then enjoyed the golfers out playing. She was not terribly impressed with the golf carts...until a gentleman stepped out and smiled at her.
So, the weekend was a lot of fun!

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